Panchayat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA)

The Scheme of PYKKA was launched by the Department of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India with a view to broad-basing games and sports and to tap the hidden talent in rural area.
  • To provide universal access to sports in rural areas and promote a sports culture among both boys & girls.
  • To harness available and potential sporting talent among rural youth through a well designed competition structure from the block level.
  • To put in place an effective mechanism to identify and nurture sporting talent in rural areas.
  • To promote both indigenous and modern games and
  • To create seamless integration between the competition structure right from the Panchayat level through to the National level in order to facilitate exponential growth in the number of high performing sports persons.
  • All local rural youth of village panchayats residing in their respective block/ district/state will be eligible to participate under the activities and competitions of PYKKA.. Decision of local panchayat will be final in this regard.
  • For district level competition & onwards, only the youth below the age of 16 years as on 31st December of the year of the competition will be eligible to take part.
  • Funds for the conduct of lower level competitions will be released to the states directly by the MYAS as per the calendar of competitions submitted by the State Governments/ Uts
For more details Click here
